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Round Slates

Our Solutions

Design and Impalement

  • Integrated Smart Solutions

  • Turnkey Telecom Solutions for Core Access Network

  • OSS/BSS/VAS Solutions

  • Converged Network Solutions and Applications

Professional Services

Offering a range of professional services 

  • Consultancy

  • System Integration

  • Hands-On Professional Training

  • Providing Constant Support to Ensure Solutions Efficiency

Managed Services O&M 

With a highly trained professional workforce, we are capable of providing complete Operations and Maintenance services to existing systems

Project Management

  • Project Management Consultancy

  • Integration Management

  • Scope Management

  • Risk Management 

  • Procurement Management

  • Quality Management

  • Cost Management

Elevate Your Connectivity with Next-Gen Wireless

Digital Network

Empower Your Business With Comprehensive Network Solutions 

Enterprise Network
  • Unified Communications 

  • Telephony

  • Smart Buildings 

  • IP Video

  • Structured Cabling & OSP

  • Data Center 

Carrier Network
  • Mobile Network Technologies (GSM, 3G, LTE, CBS)

  • Mobile Fixed Convergence

  • Value Added Services (VAS)

  • Data Networks

  • Wireless Solutions

  • Network Operations Support

  • Security/Digital Signature 

Transimssion Network
  • Radio - TETRA, P25, DMV


  • Satellite Communication (VSAT)

Gradient Background

Computer Forensics

Digital Forensics 

Mobile Forensics

  • Low level analysis of memory and data

  • Computer systems represents the basic starting point for most digital forensic investigation

  • Extracting a wealth of information from an ever-evolving range of smartphones and other mobile devices

Image by Kvistholt Photography

Allied Activities

Cybersecurity Tools and Training

Person and Vehicle DVR Systems

Defensive Protection

Converged Technology offers specialized state of the art solutions featuring proprietary technology for both digital and physical security. Data encryption, Endpoint encryption & Voice encryption.

Data Centers

Our specialists are well-versed in energy efficiency and have devised innovative ways to reduce power and cooling requirements. providing turnkey design and build services, and developing and shipping a containerized system that is ready to go.

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